Friday, December 28, 2007


We had a great Christmas. I think everyone got what they wanted except Hanna but good thing her Birthday is in 2 weeks. When we came down stairs she said Santa forgot her Dora doll but I dont seem to recall her telling me that! Oh well despite that it was really fun. At school Ashly has been going to a class called Bucket Bands. She had 2 performances in December. One at Draper City Hall for the Christmas Tree lighting and one at the Christmas program at school. It is really fun to watch them play. Im surprised that she can keep a beat like that. She is really funny when she is up there concentrating because she chews on her tongue. When they performed for the school her teacher said I cant beleive you were chewing gum up there. So she had to tell her that she has to chew on her tongue to concentrate. She said she was so embarrased. My Mom does the same thing when she is concentrating. So Ashly does have a little Johnson in her!!! Well I know how bad Jill Noorda feels about bringing the flu with her. We did get it but I have to say I am not mad at you for bringing it. The girls went with their Dad the entire week after Christmas and on Friday I got a call from him saying that for the last 2 days all he has done is clean up throw up and poop! He asked if I wanted them back early but I said No you can keep them till they are all better!!! So Jill you make poor Josh have a terrible week!!! (I think we all can have a little laugh about that!!!) Hope you all have a great New Year!!

Monday, December 3, 2007


I have been trying to figure out how to get the different back grounds off of the other website for 3 nights now and I have finally figured it out! I am so excited!! I dont know why using a stupid computer is so freaking hard for me!!! Well good night! And I hope you all like my new back ground I have lost alot of sleep for it!!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


So I know I have not posted in a while but we are still here!!! Let me update you on everything. Hanna is officially potty trained, we are on day four with out any accidents. Hooray!!! I have already sent Jill all of my pictures for the calander. It will be the first year she has my pictures before the calander is finished!!! It is only December 2 and my tree is up. It does not have any decorations because I think when Tyson and I cleaned the garage we threw them away but it is up! Again it is only December 2 and I only have 3 gifts left to buy. I think this too is considered a miracle for me! Hanna and Chad have come a very long way as you can see from this picture. A few weeks ago she was still very mean to him but the other day they took a nap together. So I think this is huge progress. It might really be okay! We are all back to sleeping in my bed again. It is really windy at night and I am a big chicken so I have let all three of my kids back in. When the wind blows all night it sounds like the house is falling down the mountain. Im not sure why I think they will save me from this but for some crazy reason it is comforting even though I do not get any sleep with all of them here. Well that is about it. I will try to remember to post more often! I almost forgot here are some pictures of the day after Thanksgiving shopping pictures. My Dad stayed home in bed so I felt bad that he was left out that is why his picture is there of me waking him up after we got home!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sleeping problems

I decided tonight that I am sick of not getting enough sleep. So since I have been living alone I have let my kids sleep in my bed. HUGE mistake!!! I wake up all night with one of them laying on me or kicking me. And now that we have a dog there is 5 of us in one king size bed. It is a big bed but not big enough. I told my kids tonight that everyone was sleeping in there own beds. We do have 3 bedrooms and all three of them do have their own bed. They were not very happy with me but the only one that cried was Hanna. She was yelling at me that this was not fair. I put all of them in their beds and kissed them goodnight. Hanna came out about 4 times crying, but I stuck to my decision and put her back in her bed. Then I was downstairs watching TV and it was silent up stairs. I just assumed they were perfect children and fell asleep. So after the Real Word on MTV was over I went upstairs to go to bed and went into Hanna and Kaytlyns room to check on them and both of their beds were empty. I went in Ashlys room and this is what I found! They are the biggest DORKS! I would really think they would want their own space and sleep alone. I guess I should just be greatful that they are not in my bed and I will get some sleep tonight!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

I have not updated this in a long time so here are some new pictures. We took the dog to get her hair cut so there are a few of her. We had our Halloween Carnival at school so that is why the kids are dressed up.

Monday, September 17, 2007

So Jill and Liesl have been bugging me to update my blog so today is the first time I have had time and I am in quite the mood(That is your warning if you continue to read this). I have decided that the Utah divorce laws are CRAP!!! I think that people that choose to commit adultry, and if it can be proven, the person doing it should have to walk away from there family and forfiet all of their parent rights. It then would be the person who didnt commit adultrys choice when to let the JERK see the kids. Also I think that all of the assetts the couple aquired during this time should be signed over by a Judge to the not guilty party!!! I think that the court expects two people that obviously have terrible feeling towards each other try to figure everything out. It would be so much better if the Judge just signed a paper and the house was taken out of the other persons name and all of the bank accounts could just have one person removed and all of the other junk you have to do when someone chooses it just might be greener on the other side! Well there you have it, my updated blog!!! P.S. Im sorry if I have offended anyone but these are most of my true feelings. If I had let it all out the language my have been R rated and Jill and Aaron would have been very disappointed in me!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Hanna at school

Hanna has been so sad that she is the only one that has not been going to school so today we decided to go have lunch with Kayt in the lunch room. I forgot how crazy that is. It is like release of the animals. They had soft tacos for lunch and it was quite entertaining to see all of these first graders trying to eat them without all of the stuff falling out of the bottom. They all had hamburger everywhere! Then we decided to go and experience recess. It was nuts!! Ten little boys got into a fight and one of them got a bloody nose! But even with all of the crazyness Hanna still had a great school day! I am now going to make her do some homework!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Un-Thankful Thursday (things my mom wont let me touch or do!)

1.reality tv that my mom doesnt stop watching and wont let me watch
2.puppy chew toys that Cleo doesnt use ,instead she uses our fingers
3.microwave that my mom only uses to make popcorn for herself and us kid casuines(shes finally has given up cooking!)
4.laptop that my mom doesnt let me use
5.shoping on line but wont buy us more than kid casuines
6.Holli at beaty school is a lie she still hates her hair (jk)
7.Einstiens that my mom sleeps through
8.I-pod home that she doesnt let me use instead she makes me use a cd in the dvd player that my mom only likes because were at school instead of ruining the house
10.avery un-patient boyfriend

Cleo gets dressed

today we found some very cute clothes for cleo. She didnt like them very much. Actually she didnt like them at all. We loved them though. We also put on a skirt, thier was a tail hole and that didnt work very well. I think the bow was the cutest, even though it was seven sizes bigger than her head. Dont you love my mom in the background!!!!! i love her hair!!!!! Not all of the clothes fitted her, actually none of them fit her. I dont think she`ll play with me again because she was so mad. We love our cute dress up dog!!!!!!!! -Ashly

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Here is my top ten things I am thankful for this week-

1. Reality TV
2. Puppy chew toys
3. The microwave
4. My new laptop
5. Online shopping
6. A sister that went to beauty school
7. Little Einstiens
8. My Ipod home
9. Year round school
10. Last but not least a patient boyfriend

Monday, August 13, 2007

The pool

Going to the pool is our favorite thing about living in Draper! The pool is one minute from our house and we spend every extra minute we have there. We still have not gotten Chad to go swimming with us yet but he will have to at some point! Ashly has finally gotten brave enough to go off the high dive this year. Kayt has learned how to do a back flip in the pool. Hanna has only had 1 good fight with another baby in the pool. Last year she pushed a little boy in and I thought his Mother was going to kill poor Hanna. I really think Hanna likes going to the pool for the snack bar but either way we all love it and we all have great tans!!!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ok here is the bald spot! Aaron said I could only post it if I listed the reason why I love him so here they are:

* He is such a great big brother!

* When I call him and he says he is cleaning out the garage, I have flash backs of when we were little and my Dad would clean the garage and it was really a bad experience. (That was why we sent you the sympathy card Jill when you told us you were going to marry him! My Mom really would feel sorry for you on these days Jill.)

* He married Jill.

* He has taught his kids how to have fun and tease me! (Wait till you see the bruises Carter left on the back of my arms because he is just like his father!)

* He knows the best lawyers in town!

* When I am having a bad day and need someone to listen to me I can call him at all hours of the night and he is always awake.

* I love how he has amnesia of his entire teenage years.

* How he loves to gossip about everyone worse than a girl!

* How he thinks he is tougher than his little brothers even though they are all at least six inches taller and fifty pounds heavier than he is.

* His scream mask.

* All of his pajama bottoms and Old Navy shirts!

I know there is alot more but I think this will make him mad enough at me! Thanks Aaron for being the best big brother ever!!! (If you really never talk to me again I will be mad you did give me permission to do this!)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Missing my kids!

My kids are with their Dad. They have been there since Sunday. Cleo and I are missing them like crazy! As crazy as they drive me when they are gone the house is way too quiet. No Ashly telling me there is nothing to do. No Kayt telling me Ashly is being mean. No Hanna following me around telling me she wants a drink and her sisters will not let her play with them. By this time tomorrow night I will probably be looking forward to next Sunday when they go back to their Dads! It is amazing how much you can love your kids and take them for granted. You have no idea till you have to spend time away from them!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Cleo is the funnest dog ever!!!!!!! She loves to nip your toes. And if you have socks on her teeth get stuck because her teeth are so small and cute!!!!! She also has a little stuffed dog and if you squeeze the ear of thestuffed dog than it barks and shakes its tail, and Cleo attacts it. If you growl or bark she`ll bark ,and its a cute, little , high pitched bark. We love her !!!!

-Ashly Larsen

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


This is our new member of our family! After alot of Ashly's list making we decided on naming her Cleo. I wasn't home when the kids came home and saw her for the first time but Savana said they were so excited and couldnt believe how little she was. Hanna called me at work and told me I needed to come home because there was a puppy at our house and she couldnt believe it. The kids have made a bed in every room for her just in case she is tired and they have all taken their turn at taking her outside for the bathroom. Aaron told my mom he doesnt think I really know what I have gotten myself into. I think he is probably right but my kids are so happy so it will all be worth it! We took our first trip to a Petco tonight. We took the puppy with us and she only pee'd on Kayt once! We left with a bed for her and at least ten toys. When we got home she really didn't care about any of them she just wanted to play with a piece of crumpled up paper! Well Thanks Jill for letting us have her. We promise to take good care of her!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

We love Lagoon

Today we spent the day at Lagoon with Chad, Holli and the Leyba's. It was alot of fun! The new ride, Wicked was so much fun. I hate rides but even I have to say it was a good time! Kaytlyn is the craziest kid ever but she is so chicken when it comes to rides. She loved the Puff ride. Me and her went on it at least ten times. She also really loved the little boats that have the little bell that just go in a circle. All of the other boats had little tiny kids in them and then there was Kayt ringing her bell and having the time of her life! Ashly, and her friend Sydney, went on all the rides and seemed to have fun. We went on the river ride and got really wet. Liesl wanted Holli to fix her hair after and this is what she came up with. Jayme told Holli to give Liesl some June volume. I think my Mothers hair still wins! I really love being with my kids when they are happy and having fun. They have been through alot lately so when they are happy it really means alot to me.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Kaytlyns Rock

We went to the park. I found a big rock. I had fun climbing on it. We also played in the Provo river. ---Kayt larsen

Ashlys bee sting

We went to the park with our family. 2 minutes after we got out of the car I got stung by a bee, and I didn`t even cry!!!!!!!!! It really didn`t hurt, it felt like a sliver going into my hand really slowly. Most times when I get stung I cry. I am so proud of myself!!!!!! I also got to see my cousin Samantha. We haven`t seen each other in 2 years!!!! It was nice to catch up with her. -Ashly Larsen

Friday, July 27, 2007

First day of school!

We had our first day of school on Wednesday. Ashly is in 5th grade and Kayt is in 1st grade. Can you believe it??? I was worried all day about Kayt going to school all day long. But she did great. She ate waffles for lunch and had syrup all down the front of her shirt when she got home.(Jill you would love that!!!) Hanna and Savana were lonely all day without them. But Hanna got to play with all of the toys her big sisters will not let her touch! We all survived another first day!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Way harder than I thought!

So I showed my kids Jills blog and they said lets do this mom it will be fun. It is alot harder than I thought. I called Jill she said to download your pictures onto your computer. Well after a half hour of looking for a cord that looked like it went with my camera I still have no idea how to get a picture on the blog or even on my computer for that matter! So I have to say thanks to Jill for making my kids think you are wonder mom and their dumb mom cant even get the pictures on the computer. I give up I am going to bed!!!!!