Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ok here is the bald spot! Aaron said I could only post it if I listed the reason why I love him so here they are:

* He is such a great big brother!

* When I call him and he says he is cleaning out the garage, I have flash backs of when we were little and my Dad would clean the garage and it was really a bad experience. (That was why we sent you the sympathy card Jill when you told us you were going to marry him! My Mom really would feel sorry for you on these days Jill.)

* He married Jill.

* He has taught his kids how to have fun and tease me! (Wait till you see the bruises Carter left on the back of my arms because he is just like his father!)

* He knows the best lawyers in town!

* When I am having a bad day and need someone to listen to me I can call him at all hours of the night and he is always awake.

* I love how he has amnesia of his entire teenage years.

* How he loves to gossip about everyone worse than a girl!

* How he thinks he is tougher than his little brothers even though they are all at least six inches taller and fifty pounds heavier than he is.

* His scream mask.

* All of his pajama bottoms and Old Navy shirts!

I know there is alot more but I think this will make him mad enough at me! Thanks Aaron for being the best big brother ever!!! (If you really never talk to me again I will be mad you did give me permission to do this!)


Lani said...

Thanks Jill, we think Aaron is great too. I don't know too many people that would stop by the hospital and visit someone every single day and talk a lot of nonsense.

Jill Johnson said...

Thanks!!! I love it!! I don't think Aaron gave you permission. I think it was someone else. Maybe the first person who left a comment!!! It was worth it. Thanks for the nice things you said about me.

Liesl said...

Where is my tribute?? My picture was just as bad!!!! I am glad you put the funeral picture up!

Jill Johnson said...

I forgot that was the funeral picture. Where is Tysons bald spot? His is better because he is a lot younger!!!