Thursday, March 20, 2008

An amendment to my last post

I did forget to mention how thankful I am for my wonderful sister in law Jill!!! Let me list you the reasons why I am so thankful for her.
1. She always says exactly what she thinks (even if she does not mean too).
2. I can beat her in a motor cycle race.
3. She has cute kids!
4. She gave me a dog that is untrainable!!! (just kidding we love Cleo)
5. She married my brother even though we were not sure he would ever get married!
6. She lets us stay at her house in Vegas.
7. She teases my Dad as much as I do.
8. When I yell at her for being wrong when she is driving she forgives me!!!!

Well there you go! I really am very thankful for you Jill!!! You are my forvorite sister in law!!!!


Jill Johnson said...

Thank you. I am embarassed that you did a whole post just for me. You sure are talking alot of trash for losing every year on the dirt bikes.

Megan said...

I'm thankful for Jill, too.

NICOLE said...

good times... good times. Jill, everytime i am with you i just have good times. good times...good times...good times.

NICOLE said...

JILL, i am so mad at you. if one more person from my family calls me and asks if i am going to BYU. just wait. the GOOD TIMES are coming. just wait.